Peru: Rhythm of the Amazon

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Every morning the Amazon wakes me with a new symphony. One day the tempo of the rain, next day the pulsating sounds of howler monkeys, and today it’s the electric strain of sunrise matching the beat of my heart.

Even with little sleep, the rhythm of the day has me fired up with what lies ahead. Granted, a cup of coffee would help the process but the Amazon found a solution to this as well by placing a large spider and her web inside my bed netting to jolt me awake.

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Hiking along the riverbank, I can’t get over how natural this place feels. The jungle and river give off energy – a rhythm – in tune with every movement of my body. I feel transformed, in sync with my surroundings.

All this beauty is not just seen through my eyes, but felt with all my senses. I’ve found my way back to nature.

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Years ago, I wrote about my time in the Masai Mara. A place very foreign compared to where I was born and raised, but during my stay I felt at ease as if I was home “… jumping into the life of Kenya, time slowed down and I synchronized with the culture around me. It was as if I had returned to a forgotten home. Being where I should be. Feeling alive.”

The Amazon has created similar feelings; the rhythm of this foreign land matches my own.

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“There is a curandero (shaman) in my village who has a very special relationship with this land.” Joaquin, our guide, tells us while showing a plant used in local medicine. “This shaman understands the energy of the plants, of the jungle, of life – and when we are not right, he helps us recover by harmonizing our energy with that of the Amazon.”

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Logical. This philosophy follows the same thread of truth as the ancient Hindus who saw all matter in the universe as energy. The same logic physicists understand today, as Einstein, Tesla, and others state: all matter is energy. We are simply vibrations and frequencies at the atomic level.

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The nervous laugh of our guide wakes me from my quantum daydream. “We have a small problem…” ahead lies what appears to be a lake but should be our trail. “We can circle around this, but it will add a few more hours… or if you are adventurous?” he asks with a nervous glint in his eyes.

My senses ignite. The idea of wading through Amazonian waters, uncertain where our next step will take us ~ now this is what I signed up for. To make the day more perfect, the skies open up and the downpour begins.

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Nature should be surrendered to. Battling things beyond our control allows negativity to destroy the day. Amid chaos, find an interesting alternative and run with it. Resist the urge to try to conquer everything. There is an underlying rhythm and if noticed it will bring peace and a smile.

Everything at the atomic level generates a unique vibration, a rhythm, and getting “in tune” to your surroundings creates harmony and makes it easier to find balance. These are moments when life seems easier and “luck” takes over.

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Rhythm ~ laughter from the group at my expense when I venture and forge my own route where, of course, there can only be one conclusion: water pouring over the top of my boot.

Rhythm ~ artistic patterns of life; from the extremes of the Amazon canopy stretching out to infinity, to the incredible micro-scenes that dot the floor of the jungle, I could stare at both the whole day.

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“Everything is made up of energy, each giving off their vibrations,” Joaquin muses over a local beer our final night in the jungle. “If you wish to better understand the energy of the Amazon, I can make an appointment with a curandero for you next time if you wish.”

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“There is a drink called ayahuasca, made from a mixture of an Amazonian vine known as Banisteriopsis caapi, a hallucinogenic drink which medicine men use to see the energy of those they heal.”    

“With the help of the curandero, it is possible to connect more closely to the natural world.” Joaquin takes a final sip and adds, “This is where you can really understand the pulse of the Amazon.”

While I consider this option, this place alone is all I need to understand the sounds and feel of nature. The Amazon speaks directly to my instincts, the core of who I am.

“Vibrations and frequencies at the atomic level is how we communicate with the universe.” Never have I felt more comfortable with this theory.

Watching the river and jungle from above, I breathe in the fresh, humid air. I’ve no idea what fermented air smells or tastes like, but this is the most apt description I can give. The air both feeds and accentuates my hunger for the jungle.

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On the boat heading home I wonder if I will be able to call on this connection to nature when needed. To find those moments when I flow with my surroundings, find the potential of the day and let go.

I’ve learned a lot here: the rhythm of life, the rhythm of the Amazon, the rhythm of Perú.

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The Amazon is an amazing part of Perú, a great place to explore. A quote from my sister, Sandi: “Travel with you is not so much a vacation as it is an adventure.” I think it is a compliment…

Throughout our trip, one thing held true with all the great people we met along the way: one smile can spread into many smiles ~ and life becomes infinitely beautiful.

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293 Comments on “Peru: Rhythm of the Amazon

      • You would like Leticia. You can cross the border from Colombia to Brazil walking. No passport, just a couple of soldiers on either side of the border. And Peru is just across the river. Three countries for the price of one. 🙂

      • I’ve never been to the Amazon (would love to go), but we did visit a 3-border-point during our Argentina trip: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay – “Hito 3 fronteras” 🙂

      • Oh yes, that would have been Iguaçu, right? There is a picture in your blog. 🙂
        Magical places aren’t they?

      • How can I remember? 🙂 I do. 🙂
        (Not everyone has gone to Iguaçu, dear Lumi. That sticks in memory) 😉

      • Rendezvous in the Amazon… a perfect idea. Would be great to meet up with you both and share stories of travel and life and, of course, to explore Tres Fronteras a bit. Columbia has long been on my list, I’ve spent a few hours early morning in Bogotá, and the mountains and crisp air…that alone had me wishing to spend more time there. The other destination, El Salvador. One of my friends in Lima just finished traveling to El Salvador and could not stop talking about it… What do you think?!? :–) Thanks to you both, I’m will now be dreaming of these magical places every night. Hmmm, need to check out Iguaçu and Bolivia too!

      • Haha! A rendez-vous in Leticia/Tabatinga. Sounds like a cold war movie. 🙂
        You would like Colombia for sure.

      • Really looking forward to Columbia when the time comes ~ and you are right, this would make for a great movie…or a WP Post 🙂

      • Either way. 🙂 One hears about Internet encounters as potentially disappointing. So far I’ve met two bloggers. Both great.

  1. Fantastic post. Thank you. I suspect you were “higher up” than I was once. I went to Leticia in Colombia about ten years ago. At the meeting point of Colombia, Brazil and Peru. A unique experience indeed.
    Again: Great post.

    • The ‘Tres Fronteras’ would be incredible to see ~ then again, there is so much magic in these places it would be hard to choose where to go when faced with such options. Columbia and El Salvador are piquing my imagination right now, and I know there will be a return trip to Peru, if not just for the food alone ~ incredible ~ and I figure my Bolivia experience will happen when I visit Lake Titicaca. Peru was a dream, and I figure if I keep dreaming there is a chance I could experience it some day! Cheers, and thank you very much for your great comment and even more important, great inspiration!

  2. Pingback: Peru: Rhythm of the Amazon ~ Randall Collis | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  3. Pulsing energy – it is how I imagine the rain forest. It has cosmic significance; the vanity and insignificance of our civilization are sadly obvious. If we keep ignoring the Nature, we are doomed.
    Thank you for your beautiful photography and article, Dalo. You had such a fantastic trip!

    • Great observation, the exact feeling I had when looking out over the river and jungle “the vanity and insignificance of our civilization are sadly obvious” To have a place so foreign feel so perfect, it is land/nature we need to balance our lives ~ a wonderful trip…and suffering a bit from withdrawals 🙂

      • Oh I imagine you are, after leaving such a place. This is the center where the most important things on this Planet happen – not our cities, like most of humans want to believe.

  4. Dear Randall, this is a beautiful post. The following line resonates with me, “Vibrations and frequencies at the atomic level is how we communicate with the universe.” Breathtaking photos! Please take good care, be well. ~ Mia

    • Dear Mia, to hear that you could connect with those words makes my day ~ amid all the chaos of a day/life, there are always those small synchronicities that can make things better. Thank you very much, and wishing you the best. Take care ~

  5. Stunning photos Randall, that illustrate just why this is a special place. Of course where we feel that connection and flow will vary for all of us, but I’m glad that you felt such synchronicity with this particular place, and I’m sure that will come with you and you’ll recall it when you need to.

    • Thank you, Andrea, and yes you are absolutely correct ~ everyone has their own connection to the world/universe, and not a better feeling when it is flowing. I suppose to be perfectly enlightened, if you could connect this way everywhere you went… 🙂 Not a bad goal, and will keep me exploring. Wish you a great weekend.

    • Great idea! We’ve got our private club: welcome Mia and Inese too! Plan for our first meeting… end of January 2020?!? 🙂

      • Haha! or 2025. God knows. I think it is a matter of taking advantage of opportunities. I met a Penang-based blogger in London once. I was in Paris. I knew she was visiting her brother in London. I had stuff to do in London, so we set up lunch. 🙂 Later saw her again in Penang when we all (entire family) went to Asia late ’17.

      • 2025 works for me too 🙂 Yes, I too think it is best when then come together naturally ~ those are the moments to treasure. Cheers to when those moments come.

  6. You have the most amazing life 🙂 i think you bring places i;ve never seen right to my screen, and it is literally the song
    “It’s a Wonderful World”
    your smile says you know how blessed you are….magickal photographs and words that take us there
    Thank you…for sharing your gift with us
    Take Care…You Matter…

    • This would have been the perfect song to have played throughout my Amazon wanderings ~ it is an idyllic place, made so by the local people who took such care of us while we were there (kept me from being bitten by bullet ants, fire ants, and wandering into a small cayman…). 🙂 Wishing you a great day, Mary, thank you very much and take care.

      • your photographs always show us the beauty and makes us feel where you are… it is a wonderful world, and you have the gift of showing us and telling their stories…
        Thank you

  7. Looks like you had a great adventure! I can only imagine what the Amazon felt like in person. Your pictures are amazing. Really like the pics with the birds, the splashes of color. Did you hike to Machu Picchu? 2 people I know said they loved it but the hike was their favorite part. We really can’t wait to go on a hike, it’s been a really long while.

    We’ll be in Seattle Spring 2020, we’re going to try and meet up with bloggers again. Any chance you’ll be in Seattle? Can’t wait, we’ve been pushing Tofino later and later and finally it’s on the adventure map.

    • Thank you, it would be great to meet up in Seattle ~ and there should be a pretty good chance I will be there in the spring… a good time to see all the Pacific Northwest offers. We did go to Machu Picchu, but could not do the main Inca Trail hike because in February it is closed for repairs ~ but fortunately our Peruvian friends in the area helped us with a pretty awesome hike. Wish I could be back there again, for both the sights and for the food 🙂 Cheers ~

  8. I can only imagine. But really, from the ‘spider wake’ to the ‘well-soaked’ boots to the visual of Machu Picchu, seems that Sis (yep, I can see the resemblance) was right! 🙂

    • Ha, yes the trip to the Amazon definitely required a pretty open mind for adventures 🙂 And I’d love to do it all over again for a new set of adventures/experiences. Cheers to a good weekend ahead!

  9. John Trehero, the deceased Shoshone sundance leader, early in his youth learned that the use of a drug (f.e. mushrooms) can be employed to make an adept learn that the borders, within which our brain functions (our perceptive, sensitive and cognitive faculties), are relative and that there is more beyond. This experience can be qite shattering and an “eye”- opener, as f.e. Houston Smith reported. However, other than that, this method doesn’t lead you much further. Reason, why John Trehero decided to go for the sundance way.

    • Thank you very much for the comment, I did a little research on John Trehero because of this and it is a fascinating history. I admire his desire to want every American Indian to learn about the spiritual traditions of their ancestors and the importance of the sundance. In doing so they can keep close the traditional and values of nature while also able to transition into the modern world which have obvious contradictions to their old ways. The similarities of the Amazonian tribes and native American Indian tribes parallel each other.

      • In fact, you will find the same basic challenges facing indigenious people and their religions on every continent of the world. In many cases, however, the old wisdom – since it was conferred orally and only to special chosen members of the respective tribe – was lost due to war impact, diseases wiping out large parts of the population and repressive colonializism or surpression of religion in general (as in China and the former Soviet Union). The revival of the sundance religion could only be succcessful since the wisdom core of it was carefully preserved throughout 100 years of suppression. Tribes in other parts of the world, f.e. in Mexico, have not been able to do so, resulting in obscure practices which do more harm than any good.

      • Very true, and I think this is why other tribes who lost this wisdom have been fortunate to ask other tribes who were able to hold onto this tradition to re-teach them. This is a great thing to see.

  10. Hi Randy. I have been to Peru but not to the Amazon. It looks so beautiful (atleast through your photos). I love all the photos with the birds.
    What waking up with a spider plus web in your bed?! Yes for sure that must be stronger than a coffee, lol. I remember watching (in the UK) a spider crawl under the covers of my bed. It traumatized me for a couple of years lol.
    Did you end up seeing the curandero?
    Have a great weekend!

    • What did you think of Peru? I could imagine you there, especially enjoying the Peruvian cuisine. Did you have the ceviche? This and of course the Pisco Sours set a good tone for my trip from day one 🙂 While I am not a fan of spiders, it seems I’ve been around them my whole life: begging my parents to set up my bedroom in the basement when I was 6~7 years old to living in Czech now where spiders run wild in my place, they are now just part of the scenery… still, my heart rate probably shot up from 50 to over 200 when I saw the spider and more eerily her web inside my bed netting. I could see how this could traumatize you 😉 Cheers, Sofia, wishing you and Ms. E well.

      • I love cheviche! And when I tried a pisco sour, and I mean A pisco sour, as in 1, one, when I finished it a random lady in the restaurant came up to me saying I looked red and drunk so I shouldn’t have any more pisco sours haha! I didn’t know spiders were usual in Czech, same as when I lived in England, they were all over the place! Wishing you a great Easter!

      • Ha, ha ~ yes, I too had the same experience with the pisco sour. Reminds me very much of a margarita but much more potent 🙂 I want to return to Peru just for the cheviche and a pisco sour (or two…). Wishing you a great Easter as well, I will head off to Karlovy Vary for the long weekend. Cheers!

      • I pressed enter before I finished writing my name hahaha

  11. Randall, it’s wonderful to see another beautiful and inspiring post from you. I think of you often. Thank you for allowing us to so vividly share in your adventures.

    • Hi Ann, thank you for the incredible comment ~ and I too often think of you as one of my earliest friends with your work (and also at times like opening day of the 2019 baseball season when Seattle…well, let’s not talk about that right now…). 🙂 Wishing you a great spring, and thank you again.

  12. Living in Sydney I walk into spider webs every day in my garden; I am used to it but it’s NOT NICE. I like to think that they keep the mosquito numbers down. Your Amazon reminds me of The Sepik and The Fly in PNG where I spent a month exploring by boat. Unfortunately our rivers are drying up.

    • Ha, yes I can very much agree with you here. Spiders do not bother me too much…but walking face-first into a web, not a worse feeling 🙂 The symbiotic relationship between river and land/jungle is amazing to witness, it must have been something to see the Sepik and Fly ~ especially being able to explore them for a month.

      • Yes we saw the effects of the tsunami ; rivers choked with water hyacinths and rivers full of piranhas (ok I didn’t see those but the locals told us not to swim because of the ‘ball cutters’.) Live volcanoes …

  13. Your photos bring this beautiful place to life. One day, perhaps, I’ll see it for myself. Until then, thank you for sharing your experience.

    • Thank you, all the jungle is crawling with life – if you get the chance, you’d enjoy it very much.

  14. Our society at large, especially the USA, is so disconnected from the “pulse of Life”, Randall. The entire time I was reading your post, my Soul cried out for what your images showed me. I could feel the frequency, the energy, the pulsing, and it became me. What an incredible adventure you had, one that I believe you will not ever forget. Your images are stunning! You make it look so easy, especially the birds in flight when I know how difficult those shots are. Your “eye” and your “inner poet” amaze me. I was transported while here and for the rest of my day, I will be connecting to the pulse of Life. Thank you SO much for showing those who come here, how Life is supposed to be lived. Phenomenal post!!! THANK YOU! 🌟🌟🌟

    • Thank you, Amy, it is great to be able to step back and watch nature without interruption ~ not easy to do in a world that always expects us to be busy accomplishing more & more 🙂

  15. Wonderful post, Randall! You brought me right there…to feel the pulse of life as it is meant to be felt. And to experience the glory of both big and small in nature through your exquisite pictures. Thank you for sharing this adventure…Peru is still waiting for me.

    • Thank you, Helen. This is the one thing that stuck out during my visit to the Amazon, there is the fury of life on both the micro and macro scale, and it feels like one big dance. You’d fall in love with Peru, I’m certain of it 🙂

  16. Hi I just passed this beautiful blog on to my boyfriend who is writing a TV show that takes place in the Amazon.

    • Hi Jayne, this is great, thank you. If there is anything additional needed just let me know. Wish you continued safe travels and happy trails ahead.

  17. Thanks, Randal! Your sister is correct…it is an adventure…one I LOVE TO TAKE! Your captures are stunning and the rhythm of your prose lulls me into a very satisfied place! Many sweet blessings to you!

    • Thank you, Lorrie, very much. All of the activity of the Amazon does this ~ and it is impossible not to join in and follow the rhythm of the place. Cheers to a great Easter weekend ahead.

      • I’ve a feeling you bring a little magic with you wherever you go 😉 Sweet blessings!

    • It is a place that sweeps you up with all the activity and life in the jungle ~ miss it very much 🙂 Thank you!

  18. I much prefer coffee to a spider and its nest! And your “perfect day” exemplifies your adventurous spirit! Your thoughts are so elegant, reminding me how beautiful is to be hungry and alive in the spiritual sense! (P.S. I don’t know how your blog left my reader, since I’ve been a follower of yours for nearly 2 years but now it says I’m not, I have rectified that now and have added you to my “Links” page!)

    • This is what I think I admired most about the Amazon, there was so much life from the tiny to the whole of the jungle, and it is impossible not to feel and be moved (both figuratively and literally) with the scene. Thank you, and wishing you a great Easter weekend ahead ~ and a good cup of coffee or two 🙂

  19. Your photos transported me to a magical place. The vibrant colours are surreal and remind me of the movie Avatar. The Amazon is on our travel list and I hope we make it there someday. Until then, thank you for the virtual tour! 🙂

    • Thank you very much, the Amazon is another realm and this is the main reason I am so curious and intrigued by this area. If you get a chance to visit, I think you’d feel the same – everyday wanting to see what else is out there 🙂

  20. I’m just thinking of Greta Thunberg and the Fridays for Future movement. I guess, these activists would support the idea that rather than using airplanes to go to south american jungles we should work on preserving and making room for our own new, green jungle systems in our own countries. Not only to protect plants and wildlife, but for our own wellbeing, physically, mentally and spiritually.

    • A very interesting and at its core a lot of truth, but it is also exploration and seeking out diversity that allows us to percolate new ideas, create new ideas and then spread these ideas to bring on better changes. Enjoy the week ahead.

      • I guess that is the inner conflict, people of our generation are living with. Maybe the generation of Greta will – in contrast to our generation – decide that saving the climate (and a livable planet) outranks all of the other considerations.

      • If I had to put my faith in anyone or any generation, I think Greta and her generation will definitely leave things for the better ~ where our generation is a bit more short sighted. Thank you for the very thoughtful comments.

  21. Dear Dalo, Thank you so much for this magical post…

    I am so happy to find your post after a rather long break and it’s worth all the waiting 🙂

    I always try to practice what you said, “one smile can spread into many smiles ~ and life becomes infinitely beautiful.”, when I meet strange people and I could instantly get connected with them.

    The images are so soothing and calms you down, I could feel the ambiance as I read each word …

    I could very well relate to your feel at amazon, as I had experienced it once in the Himalayas, the vibrations of nature and you being in resonance with it…

    If people could understand the meaning and make the best use of this quote, “Nature should be surrendered to. Battling things beyond our control allows negativity to destroy the day. Amid chaos, find an interesting alternative and run with it. Resist the urge to try to conquer everything. There is an underlying rhythm and if noticed it will bring peace and a smile.”, I feel life will be much stress free and enjoyable for most of people…

    Thanks again for being here and motivating us all …


    • Thank you, Sreejith. There is something special about being able to connect with the locals while traveling, or as a local connecting with a traveler passing through ~ the meeting in itself is a mini-adventure and adds to the richness of life. There is something about getting lost in your surroundings, whether it’s the Amazon or the Himalayas, where there is the chaos of nature all around – and it is a comforting feeling. Wish you a great week ahead.

      • I could very well relate to what you said , getting connected with the locals or travelers.

        As I mentioned earlier, now a days I work with many a communities in South India to develop and promote sustainable tourism programmes in their villages.

        So I get plenty of opportunities to get in close touch with different communities as well as travelers from all around the world.

        I consider this as a great learning experience …

  22. All this beauty is not just seen through my eyes, but felt with all my senses. I’ve found my way back to nature.”, Beautifully said Randall, and I loved each image, each word.. ” Everything is made up of energy, each giving off their vibrations”.. So true, yet so many still ignorant of the fact we are all connected..
    ““Vibrations and frequencies at the atomic level is how we communicate with the universe.” Never have I felt more comfortable with this theory.”

    Ayahuasca, my daughter took the plunge and drank when in Puru, it was the start of a deeper awakening she experienced, and her own inner healing journey.

    So enjoyed your narrative throughout Randall and those special photos at the end showed me the peace within the smile and the contentment found in togetherness..

    Stay well on your travels my friend, Its taken me a while to get here, but I wouldn’t have missed my journeying with you through the Amazon..
    She gives so much to this world.. I pray we will all learn to give back, instead of taking.. So happy you felt her pulse and energy..

    Blessings your way Randall. And take care.. Sue 💚

    • Thank you very much, Sue. It would be great to hear about the experience of your daughter when she took the plunge with ayahuasca ~ and her experiences in Peru. It is an incredible country, around every corner a new experience and a new smile ~ could not help but feel energized every morning. Wishing you a great week ahead, take care.

      • I think it was around 15 yrs ago when she was around the age of 25 Randall, She was searching spiritually like many who visit Puru and such places, Having me for a Mother, lol she was well versed in Spiritual things while growing up and had discovered one of her past lives as a Temple Priestess back in Egypt. She remembers after taking the Ayahuasca, seeing strangers that were not in her group, where she got up and started to do a ceremony as if smudging them.. Her group said she was talking gibberish to them, but it made sense to her.. 🙂 It wasn’t so much I think of what she remembered, but how she felt, as if she had ridden herself of negative energy, it was like a cleansing she said..
        She has done some amazing things, like visit Africa to the White lion Sanctuary at the Global White lion protection Trust. And another time she spent time as a volunteer on a Cheetah Reserve, that helps rear orphaned cheetahs and put them back into the wild.. . I am very proud of her, achievements 🙂
        Wishing you a great week also Randall.

      • Wonderful stories of a wonderful life, you should be proud ~ and I know where she got her spirit from 🙂

    • Truly a fascinating land, culture, and incredible people. Already wishing I could go back and do the trip all over again. Thank you, Chris, enjoy the week ahead.

  23. A nice, poetic post about your trip to the Amazon! Where did you do it?

    Right now I’m in tarapoto, have seen many beautiful places too. This country is so pretty, there are so many different landscapes!

    Have you visited any other places in Peru? Here you’ll find some ideas:

    Have a nice trip!

    • Thank you, Anna, wow… I wish I could join you in Trapoto, another one of the great sites of Peru. I’ve heard, while still in the jungle there are some incredible waterfalls and an almost surreal feel with the fog that can roll in.

      I visited quite a few places during my travels in Peru, mostly the common one: Machu Picchu, Colca Canyon, Cusco…and I am dying to return 🙂 Enjoy your travels.

  24. Every shot is so stunning. You have an amazing eye.

    I like yur words about surrendering to nature. Everytime I find myself in a beautiful place full of nature, I do surrender to its beauty. Don’t know what is wrong with politicans today.
    Nature is the very reason we are here today. Man would never have survived or evolved without nature.

    • Sometimes I am amazed at the ease in which we can go from being fully engaged in the modern/technological world to kicking back in nature and letting its beauty and peacefulness move us to the other side of the spectrum. 🙂 Thank you, and wish you a great day and Month of May ahead.

  25. ‘all matter is energy. We are simply vibrations and frequencies at the atomic level.’ Cannot agree more with this. We’re all the same as the person, plant and thing next to us at an atomic level. We’re all the universe and the universe beyond. Your trek through the Amazon sounded like a trek of solitude, and having nature speak to you directly to your instincts must have been a surreal moment you want to experience over and over again. It reminds me of going on hikes with myself or in a small group, where you all hike mostly in silence and just focus on one foot in front and your conscious thoughts. In moments like these, the only things you are distracted by are the marrying of what’s around you and your own thoughts.

    Reading this post is so timely for me as over these past months I’ve been delving into reading more about how we’re all connected through energies, atoms, vibrations and frequencies, and how there are different dimensions of thought (3D, 4D, 5D).

    Spectacular shots as usual, Randy. Every one of them looks magical. Out of curiosity, is that you handling an umbrella out there? 😀

    • This trek in the Amazon was really something else, Mabel. A perfect place to appreciate all that nature is and our place in nature. It is very interesting you mention your thoughts about the relationships within the physical world. The discoveries and new theories over the past few years has been outstanding in the field of physics, and as always creating even bigger questions. Dimensions are one that intrigue me as well. I’ve wondered whether because of the limited ability of the human mind/brain, we simply are unable to comprehend the true state of nature and the universe, and our place. Perhaps we still have some evolving to go – and one possibility is right now we are only capable of operating in a three dimensional world and until we ‘evolve’ we cannot see the obvious answers to all our questions if we had the ability to grasp four or five dimensions. 🙂

      The fun of physics never ends 🙂 Thank you very much for the nice comment, Mabel, and yes that is me with the umbrella and the point where the water was just threatening to go over the top of my boots. Wish I was there now, instead of work! Enjoy the week ahead!

      • Wandering through a lust forest and really getting lost outside in nature, it’s hard not to think about what is out there and what we’re capable of. Maybe our brains and minds haven’t yet discovered how to tap into other dimensions, and we need to be in a special place mentally for that to happen – and that ties in with what you mentioned evolving.

        You do look like you were having a lot of fun holding that umbrella in the rain, Randy. Many more adventures like these for you 🙂

      • Thank you, Mabel. The possibility of our brain evolving enough to handle new dimensions and the possibilities of what that could mean is very cool. This is why the world of physics is so fascinating, it opens up the universe with new theories and does so in a ‘relatively perfect’ mathematical way and it seems we (the human race) is making some good progress. These are the real adventures 🙂 However, our relatively simple individual adventures we have here on Earth is another way we can evolve… so wish you many happy trails ahead 🙂

      • Simple is also always fascinating, and I think with simple, we can all evolve at our own pace. No rush, just let things be as they come along. You enjoy your trails heading into your summer, Randy 🙂

  26. What an evocative post Randall. I spent several months in the high jungles of Guyana…Pakaraima. Your thoughts and exquisite photos transported me back in time instantly. Thank you so much. Regards, Keith

  27. Pulling way back for this amazingly centered feeling to find us again, the one you’ve written about can be difficult for most, but I sense you, Sir, have a way of allowing the energy to wash over you. Welcoming its arrival. I believe this to be true because your spiritual connection to Peru is alive here in your article. A beautiful gift you’ve been given and I adore reading how open you become. In a sense, we get to know you in this setting and you’ve allowed us the pleasure. Writers often hold back a part of what inspires them because they are chasing down a dream – submitting to another’s rule. The cowboy in you let’s it ride. I never tire of going along with you in your journeys. Lovely every time. Blessings to you, Randall. I’ve missed you.

    • Ah, so nice to come back to the blogosphere to find your comment ~ one of the great things I have found both in travels and at home are the infinite things in life that inspire. None more important than family and the people met along the way in life who give reason to contemplate the importance of the moment. Thank you, Audrey, and hope your summer has been a great one and it springboards you into an incredible autumn. Cheers to missing and being missed 🙂

  28. Wonderful narrative and a very thought provoking post Randall. The photos are magnificent – a truly incredible place.

    • Thank you, Simon. The decision to travel to Perú was a rather quick one, a perfect escape from the chaos of work 🙂 I hope you are doing well.

  29. Randall, this is a fantastic post. I enjoyed the photos, especially of the macaws, and your writing, which brought the Peruvian Amazon to life. I’ve heard of ayahuasca too and it seems to be very potent and perhaps a bit risky. I think you’re right though that just being in the Amazon is enough to connect with nature without the need for hallucinogenic substances.

    • The amount of activity in the Amazon amazed me, and I was very fortunate to have a great guide who enjoyed introducing us to the diverse life and culture of the Amazon. Everyday brought something new and unexpected, and made me appreciate the world in a very different manner. Thank you very much, YC, wish you a good week ahead.

  30. Magnificent. Beautifully-crafted words to complement a stunning array of resplendent images- this “chaos of delight” to behold- as Darwin might muse. Fantastic…cheers to you. -autumn jade

    • “Chaos of delight” is a perfect way to describe the Amazon ~ a world where everything is moving at once, but all apart of the same dream, every day I enjoyed getting lost in one part of it. I need to return 🙂 Thank you Autumn Jade ~ wish you a great September.

  31. This was mesmerizing. Too good just too good. The pictures accompanied with sensational description is what makes this post perfect. It’s cool. Awesome one. For an adventurous person and a globetrotter like me, you are an idol, a true idol. If you have time between your adventures, feel free to look into my blog.Saying it again, this really made me feel as if I was there in Amazon itself.

    • Thank you, Riya. In preparing for the trip to the Amazon I knew it would be a scene far different from any other place I visited, and it did not disappoint. Always something going on, but even with all the activity it was very peaceful ~ you’d love it there! In terms of adventure, it ranks near the top for me. Cheers to you, and have a great end to your summer!

  32. How magical it all sounds. Thank you for the wonderful description of the ambience outside and that of your spirit which flowed along with it in joy and wonder and peace.

    • Magic is an apt description for the Amazon ~ things I’d never seen before or even imagined. It again reminded me of what an incredible world we live. Thank you very much for your comment, and wish you many happy trails ahead!

    • Hi Kelly, you are going to love Perú. The country itself is so diverse: Cusco – Machu Picchu – Amazon are just three places with such different cultures, sights, and vibe…and I loved them all. Look forward to hear how your trip comes along. 🙂

  33. It’s been too long since last time I visit your blog. I am happy to have found it again. These images are amazing as your images always are. They bring me right back to my own trips to Peru. I have visited Amazon river at various places, but my dream is still one day to travel it the whole way from the spring in Peru to the outlet in the Atlantic Ocean.

    • Your dream is a great one ~ to navigate the Amazon from the source to the Atlantic would be one of those life-defining events… If you need someone to help carry all your gear, I volunteer as a porter 🙂 Would be great to hear about your Peruvian tales, it is an enchanting land. Thank you, Otto, enjoy the rest of your summer.

      • Thank you, summer is about to leave this side of the planet. I will enjoy whatever comes, anyway. I wish you a great season, too. 🙂

  34. The jungle is such an amazing place. And so important for the health of this globe we live on. Your images shows the beauty and the greatness of the rain forest. Fantastic images!

  35. wandering this morning as I listen to the whispers of the heat gearing up for another day’s in diligence here in Texas 🙂

    I am always amazed by your photographs, I sometimes feel if I were to put my hand on this screen, I would fall into them….
    what magick they are…

    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods Randall
    Take Care….You Matter…..

    • Nothing quite like starting a morning off wandering and listening to the whispers of the day as it begins 🙂 I imagine Texas mornings are pretty special, Maryrose, containing more than its share of magic. Things are going well, although time seems to fly by even quicker than before ~ hope you have enjoyed your summer, and wish you a great week ahead. Thank you very much.

    • Thank you very much, Ariane, a wonderful experience and one I hope to re-live again with a return trip ~ Perú is a magical place.

  36. Hi dear Randall, i just dropped by to see if I had missed any new updates.. Thankfully I haven’t.. Hope you are enjoying Life, Nature, and just BEing my friend… Take care.. and all the best from the UK.. 🙂

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